Signal Patterns (Beta)
Signal Patterns is the latest product feature from Fideo. With Signal Patterns, you are able to see additional temporal parameters of an email -- when it was seen, how many times, and in what period. There are three primary ways you can access signal patterns to allow flexibility to work for different use cases
Time Series for an Email
For a given email, see exact email seen counts, with resolution as little as a minute and up to two years. See the Time Series docs for more information
Historical Summaries for an Email
For a given email, summarize total times the email was seen, and from how many sources, in the last hour, day, week, month, up to a year. See Time Series for an example and additional details.
Historical Summaries for all Emails in a Profile
Using a combination of Signals and Signal Patterns, see summaries over an interval for all known emails attached to a profile. This feature can be used regardless of if your input query is an email, email hash, or even phone or name + address! Details are at Signal Patterns In order to use Signals and Signal Patterns your account will need access to both products.
Note: Signal Patterns is currently in Beta, and things can change. Check back frequently for updates, enhancements, and to be aware of any changes.
Updated 3 months ago