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Time Series

This endpoint gives a defined time series response for a given input email.

curl -X POST \
  https://api.fideo.ai/beta/signals/patterns/timeseries  \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {Your API Key}' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
      "email" : "[email protected]"
      "interval" : "month",
      "count" : 6
    "2024-09-01": {
        "observations": 6,
        "sources": 3,
        "events": [
        	"type": "visitor",
       		"observations": 6,
       		"sources": 3
    "2024-08-01": {
        "observations": 1,
        "sources": 1,
        "events": [
         	"type": "id_resolution",
         	"observations": 1,
         	"sources": 1
    "2024-07-01": {
        "observations": 1,
        "sources": 1,
        "events": [
       		"type": "signup",
       		"observations": 1,
       		"sources": 1
    "2024-06-01": {
        "observations": 19,
        "sources": 3,
        "events": [
       		"type": "visitor",
       		"observations": 16,
       		"sources": 3
        	"type": "id_resolution",
        	"observations": 3,
        	"sources": 1
    "2024-05-01": {
        "observations": 1,
        "sources": 1,
        "events": [
       		"type": "signup",
       		"observations": 1,
       		"sources": 1
    "2024-04-01": {
        "observations": 1,
        "sources": 1,
        "events": [
       		"type": "click",
       		"observations": 1,
       		"sources": 1

The above request will give the number of times and number of sources Fideo has seen the email [email protected] in the last 6 months.

A request will three attributes in the request:

  • An input plaintext email (Note: email hashes are NOT supported)
  • A desired interval. Se the interval table below for valid intervals.
  • The count of how many data points. This value willl be the most recent data points for that interval.

All dates and times are returned in the UTC time zone.

Supported Interval and Counts

Interval TypeMinimum CountMaximum CountOutput Key Format
minute1360yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:00
hour136yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00
day160yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00

Note -- the zeros ("00") above in the output key format reflect that these values are always zero. Similarly for the month, the day will always be "01". This was done to minimize the need to parse different key format.

Response Details and Event Types

For each interval in the response, two counts will be returned:

  1. observations - the total number of times the particular email was seen in that pattern interval, across all sources

  2. sources - the count of unique sources making these sources

  3. events- details on each type of event as an array of objects. Possible values and details are below. For each event, a type, observation count, and source count is provided.

    Event TypeEvent Description
    verificationEmail was used in Fideo Verify API to verify the input
    visitorEmail was seen tied to a website visit event
    signupEmail was used to sign up for an account
    clickEmail was seen through someone clicking a link, likely in an email
    signalsEmail was used to retrieve signals of the given email data
    id_resolutionEmail was used as Identity Resolution to tie the email to other identifiers

Have suggestions or feedback on this Beta API? Please let us know!