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Patterns Within Signals

If you have access to the Signals endpoint, and receive Email Signals, Signal Patterns can provide even more value! Adding patternInterval to the request:

curl -X POST \
  https://api.fideo.ai/signals  \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {Your API Key}' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
      "phone" : "+1-555-123-4567",
      "patternInterval" : "month"

    "emails": [
            "firstSeenMs": 1155686400000,
            "lastSeenMs": 1723492176917,
            "observations": 82,
            "confidence": 0.95,
            "md5": "22a5ecd674b22e29bec720cfc2470b88",
            "sha1": "4bebf08e30296301382ec74e2b96ebce911d51ed",
            "sha256": "aa8d77230c56099e85626ff92ae7d62b390085a48dd1d950786b59698577a6fc",
            "month": {
                "observations": 0,
                "sources": 0
            "firstSeenMs": 1464503446000,
            "lastSeenMs": 1721433600000,
            "observations": 61,
            "confidence": 0.99,
            "md5": "8ded8555ad3d1791b7978999b41f9563",
            "sha1": "267fd3f441dbca8822a2b36dfdec9b52460c5475",
            "sha256": "32ac819682345c4d78dbbfe238de1b71f06dacc1768e99aab9d05f8e745e3e09",
            "month": {
                "observations": 2,
                "sources": 2,
                "events": [
                        "type": "visitor",
                        "observations": 1,
                        "sources": 1
                        "type": "id_resolution",
                        "observations": 1,
                        "sources": 1
            "firstSeenMs": 1492464135715,
            "lastSeenMs": 1723389069000,
            "observations": 221,
            "confidence": 0.95,
            "md5": "b85f9d5ef2524d22831faffe48acd9b",
            "sha1": "c15bbc711d51aeca8272bcd57027e663ad919463",
            "sha256": "95ca3bdb059292f09b2c64a334eed102400f4f2338c45b5f8f00e4387eaa7c70",
            "month": {
                "observations": 1,
                "sources": 1,
                "events": [
                        "type": "id_resolution",
                        "observations": 1,
                        "sources": 1

Unlike the Time Series and Historical Summary endpoints, this endpoint allows for summaries and pattern details for multiple emails in a given response. This request will provide recency summaries for each email attached to the input. See the response tab above for a detailed example.

Supported Pattern interval values are:

  • hour (last 60 minutes)
  • day (last 24 hours)
  • week (last 7 days)
  • month (last 30 days)
  • 6month (last 6 months)
  • year (last 12 months)

For each email in the response, under provided patternInterval key (hour, day, week, etc) two additional values will be returned:

  1. observations - the total number of times the particular email was seen in that pattern interval, across all sources
  2. sources - the count of unique sources making these sources
  3. events- details on each type of event as an array of objects. Possible values and details are below. For each event, a type, observation count, and source count is provided.
Event TypeEvent Description
verificationEmail was used in Fideo Verify API to verify the input
visitorEmail was seen tied to a website visit event
signupEmail was used to sign up for an account
clickEmail was seen through someone clicking a link, likely in an email
signalsEmail was used to retrieve signals of the given email data
id_resolutionEmail was used as Identity Resolution to tie the email to other identifiers

Have suggestions or feedback on this Beta API? Please let us know!